Your nervous system is an electrical grid. It’s what controls your body. Your brain stores the information that your nervous system uses for bodily movement. Think of your brain as a powerful computer. It collects information from its surroundings (your environment) and writes programs which your nervous system interprets.
Your Neurological Environment™ is made up of all the nervous system programs you have learned and developed throughout your life; how you stand, walk, sit, ride a bike, drive a car, hit a golf ball and even talk.
Your Neurological Environment™ is made up of all the nervous system programs you have learned and developed throughout your life.
Your Neurological Environment™ is responsible for the shape and health of your body. It is completely unique to you, as it’s made up from your unique life experiences.
If you have chronic pain and injuries, arthritis or osteoporosis, you are operating your body with a negative Neurological Environment™ that is working against its natural design. If you don’t like the shape of your body or feel weak, tired and unstable, it’s also your Neurological Environment’s™ fault.
If you want to change how your body looks and functions, you need to change how you move your body, not move your body more which is what today’s culture of exercise is all about.
How many people who diet and exercise actually change how their body looks? Yes, people gain or lose weight, get bigger or smaller, but the actual shape of their body seldom changes. Why? All the effort, time and money put into exercise, is reinforcing their negative Neurological Environment™ with intensity and intent making it more powerful and dominant.
There is a fundamental flaw with the exercise protocol we have been following. People follow the trendy workout routines of people they want their bodies to look like; dancers, athletes, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jane Fonda, Jillian Michaels etc; this is the problem. The people that actually get the results have great Neurological Environments™ that work beautifully with the design of their body - not just during exercise, but more importantly with daily life activities.
What we instinctively find beautiful and strive to look like, is the human body working perfectly with its design; the lucky people who have developed ideal Neurological Environments™. If you watch the Olympics, you will see the human vehicle being operated with perfection. For each sport, notice how identically the athletes move, and how their bodies look alike. The sprinters, gymnasts, and distance runners all look different from each other, but they look (and move) just like their competitors. They are running on Neurological Environments™ that have been perfected to use their bodies for their particular sport. Their amazing human body developed accordingly!
It doesn’t matter how much time or effort you put into “their” exercise routines; you won’t get the promised results until you create a positive Neurological Environment™. Most people end up frustrated, and much too often injured, blaming themselves for lack of effort or even poor genetics. So they quit. Eventually, they give it another try when they feel guilty enough, and the next new fad comes out only to repeat this negative cycle again and again. This feeds the ever growing $100 billion (annually) Fitness industry that is not teaching us health or fitness. Just think about it - if the fitness industry gave people the promised results, there wouldn’t be the constant cycle of fads where people search for something that actually works.
Your Neurological Environment™ (unique to you) determines how your muscles control your body. Your nervous system determines how your muscles develop, and therefore determines the shape of your body. Think about it - we all have the same generic human body that is designed to be used for the same purposes, and yet we all move completely differently. Our bodies look completely different from one another. Of course, genetics plays a role in what we look like (skin tone, hair color, height etc.), but the development of our muscles is dependent on how we use them. Genetics has nothing to do with nervous system programs. Humans are born with some basic programming, and the rest is learned.
Watch how young children 2 to 4 years old drive their brand new little human vehicles. They all move very similarly, and look very similar, as they are yet to create their unique Neurological Environment™. Over time their bodies grow into they unique Neurological Environment™ and they move differently which leads to their bodies developing differently.
How do humans learn to move, and create a unique Neurological Environment™? We imprint on our surroundings, meaning we copy the movements of others in our environment. There is a part of the nervous system called mirror neurons, which are responsible for imprinting copied movement patterns. Now, this is important - who is around us the most during our formative years? Our parents (those raising us). Using mirror neurons, children imprint on how their parents move, copy those nervous system programs, and develop the same programs. Kids’ bodies develop and look very much like their parents. This natural imprinting is confused with genetics, when actually, it’s learned.
This is good news, because it means a person can re-learn and change their nervous system patterns. Skilled athletes, artists and musicians more than likely grew up in an environment that catered to their natural talents, and their nervous system programming became specific to their environment. For example, if a person’s parents are athletes, the are more likely to create an environment for their child, that will foster physical activity. The child will imprint on their athletic parents. The environment and the parents’ movement patterns give the child a good chance of becoming a skilled athlete. Nature (genetics) may create a child with a similar anatomy to athletic parents, but nurture (the environment) is responsible for the child’s development of their Neurological Environment™. Did you know you can change your nervous system programs?
Blank Slate Fitness training will teach you how to get back in control of your amazing human vehicle. We begin by finding out about your unique Neurological Environment™. We develop a training program unique to you, to reprogram your Neurological Environment™ so you work with your body’s design, optimizing its performance and ability to heal. You will learn the ideal alignment where the many pieces of your body become connected as one stable structure supported by gravity. Your new ideal Neurological Environment™ will be challenged and reinforced through repetitive training, utilizing many of the same exercises you’ve done or seen in the past. However, the focus and intent of why and how we do the exercises, is completely different. The entire training program will take you approximately 30 minutes, and incorporates strength, cardiovascular and flexibility (active, not static stretching). You will also develop tools for you to use in everyday life, to reset your Neurological Environment™, eliminating negative compensation that life causes.
Once you have created your ideal Neurological Environment™ most forms of exercise will be beneficial to you, and you will receive the results you deserve and hope for.
“Time to start over”
Todd S. Yehl